Navigating child custody rights can be a complex and emotional journey, especially for stepparents who have formed deep bonds with their stepchildren. While the path to obtaining custody may not always be straightforward, it is possible for dedicated stepparents in Washington to secure these rights under exceptional circumstances.
In my 20 years of family law practice in Washington, I've helped stepparents understand their custody rights. The key lies in understanding Washington's unique approach to de facto parentage and building a strong case that demonstrates your integral role in the child's life. In this blog post, we'll explore the factors courts consider, strategies for strengthening your case, and how to protect both your rights and your child's future.
Can Stepparents Get Custody?
While it is rare for stepparents to be awarded custody, Washington State recognizes de facto parentage, allowing stepparents to seek custody if they can prove they have been a primary caregiver and have formed a lasting parental bond with the child.
It may be rare that a stepparent is awarded custodial rights in any state, including here in Washington. However, it does happen under extenuating circumstances. The State of Washington recognizes what is termed a “de facto parent” relationship and has, since an important Supreme Court ruling in 2004, awarded custody to the party or parties that would serve the best interests of the child, regardless of biological or psychological relationship. In my two decades of practicing family law in Washington, I've guided many stepparents through the custody process.
To pursue custody as a stepparent in Washington, you'll need to establish de facto parentage. In terms of stepparents’ rights, a de facto parent is essentially someone who can be shown, through convincing evidence, to be the primary caregiver for a child in both a physical and financial sense. A court will look at factors including the status of the biological parents and whether the potential “de facto” parent shares a home with the child. In addition, the court will consider whether the “de facto” parent acts as a parent without any expectation of financial compensation, and how long that parent has been acting as a parent in terms of forming a lasting bond with the child.
While obtaining custody as a stepparent presents challenges, I've seen many cases succeed when properly presented. The key is building a comprehensive case that clearly demonstrates your role in the child's life and why custody would serve their best interests.
What Does Custody Mean in Washington State?

In Washington state, we don't technically use the term "custody" — instead, we use "parenting plan" and "decision-making authority." From my experience, this approach better reflects the complex nature of caring for children.
Legal custody encompasses decision-making rights regarding education, healthcare, and religious upbringing. Physical custody, termed "residential time" in Washington, determines where the child lives and the time distribution between the child's parents. These arrangements can be structured as sole custody, where one parent has primary responsibility, or joint custody arrangements, where responsibilities are shared.
If you're seeking more information about the different types of custody arrangements, make sure to check out our blog on types of child custody in Washington for a deeper understanding.
Understanding these distinctions is crucial for stepparents seeking custody rights, as it helps them develop a strategy that best serves both their child's needs. In recent years, courts have become more open to considering various custody arrangements, including those involving adoption and visitation rights.
Factors Courts Consider in Custody Cases

Before diving into specific factors, it's important to note that Washington courts prioritize the child's welfare interests above all else. It means it can weigh each of the factors below differently based on each family's situation. The court may also consider the rights of grandparents and their role in the child's life.
Primary Factors
These factors are given the highest weight when making custody decisions.
- Child's relationship with each parent (weight: 90%): Quality and strength of emotional bonds and history of child's care and nurturing.
- Stability and continuity (weight: 85%): Length of time in current living situation and the impact of potential changes on the child.
- Primary caregiver status (weight: 80%): Who handles daily care routines, involvement in education, extracurricular activities, and healthcare.
These factors help guide the judge's decision, but remember that each case is unique, requires a carefully tailored approach, and may have an emotional effect on your child.
Secondary Factors
Secondary factors are weighted less heavily but are still considerable forces in a custody decision.
- Child's needs (weight: 70%): Special requirements (medical, educational, emotional) and age-specific considerations.
- Home environment (weight: 65%): Safety and stability, support system availability, and life in the same household.
- Ability to co-parent (weight: 60%): Communication between parties and willingness to support relationships with other family members.
Some of the exceptional circumstances which may cause the court to award custody to a stepparent may be if both biological parents have been deemed unfit, or if both were deceased. Also, if a stepparent legally adopted the child during the marriage with proper consent and documentation to sign, then they may be given parental rights over a biological parent, particularly in cases involving divorce.
How Stepparents Can Strengthen Their Custody Case

Building a strong custody case requires from the parent systematic documentation and consistent involvement in the child's life, whether you're the biological mother/father or not. Here are essential steps for strengthening your position:
Documentation of Care
Provide evidence of your ability to and history of caring for the child.
- Maintain records of daily activities and responsibilities
- Keep school involvement documentation
- Save medical appointment records
Document financial support provided as well.
Emotional Connection Evidence
Your involvement in the child’s personal life is also important to demonstrate.
- Photos of family activities and celebrations
- Cards, letters, or artwork exchanged
- Testimonials from teachers or counselors
In general, having records of consistent participation in activities can strengthen your case.
Long-Term Commitment Proof
Having the resources to consistently provide for the child and ensure their safety is vital.
- Housing stability documentation
- Educational planning involvement
- Healthcare decision participation
- Financial planning for the child's future
Even though you should provide evidence to the judge of the parental unfitness of the other parent, you should always remember not to complain about the other parental figure during the case. That might negatively impact the stepparent’s rights or later visitation allowance if the court does not agree to grant child custody.
Successfully obtaining custody rights requires thorough preparation and substantial evidence of your role in the child's life. Consider seeking legal guidance early in the process to ensure proper documentation and preparation of your case.
If you have faced difficulties due to your spouse's lack of active participation during the divorce process, you can learn more in our blog about the challenges of signing divorce papers.
Protecting Your Rights and Your Child's Future
It can prove to be extremely detrimental to a child to be removed from the care of a stepparent and placed with a biological parent whom they do not even know. However, some courts may still choose to push a biological relationship if a strong enough case for the stepparent is not presented. For this reason, a stepparent may find it helpful to work with an experienced family law attorney to build a strong case for gaining custodial rights or visitation rights. If custody is not possible, stepparents might consider seeking guardianship (both for biological or adoptive parents or grandparents), which grants them legal authority to make decisions for the child, including medical and educational choices.
At Hodgson Law Office in Spokane, WA, we help stepparents navigate the complexities of family law. Our experienced attorneys are dedicated to protecting your legal rights and advocating for your child's welfare.
If you're a stepparent seeking custody or have questions about your legal options, don't hesitate to reach out. We're here to provide the support and guidance you need during this difficult time. Contact us today to schedule a consultation and take the first step toward securing a brighter future for you and your child.
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