Our Adoption Attorneys Can Help You Adopt a Child in Spokane, WA
Becoming an adoptive family gives you the opportunity to provide children or youth with love, support, and nurturing during the most formative time of their lives. However, becoming adoptive parents can be incredibly challenging.
For years, Hodgson Law Office has helped adoptive families navigate Washington family law, obtain parental rights, and make their homes complete. Our team will be with you every step of the way, from helping you understand the foster care system to preparing for home studies and settling into your new family dynamic post-placement.
What Is Adoption?

Adoption is the legal process by which you petition the court to establish a parent-child relationship where one does not exist through blood relations.
There are many different circumstances where adoptions may be the best path forward. A few examples include couples who may be incapable of having their own children, a step-parent married to the biological parent of a child who wants full parental rights, or even older adults who want to formalize their parent-child relationship with other adults.
Under Washington State family law, one or both of a child's birth parents must have had their rights terminated by the courts. This termination can be voluntary or involuntary. In many of these situations, it is required that adoption cases be handled by an adoption attorney.
Types of Adoption in Washington State
Domestic Adoption
Domestic adoption is one of the most common forms of adoption. It involves the adoption of a young adult, child, toddler, or infant. Adoptive parents may or may not be related to the child.
Open Adoption
Open adoption allows birth parents and adoptive parents to communicate and exchange information. Formal open adoptions are enforceable legal contracts that include specific rules regarding visitation, communication, and grounds for termination of the agreement.
Closed Adoption
Closed adoptions seal all identifying information about the adoptive parents and birth parents. Typically, you'll be able to obtain non-identifying information like the child's ethnic background and medical history, but you won't be able to contact the biological parents.
Foster Parents Adoption
A foster parent will often adopt their foster child. However, adopting a child through the foster care system can be incredibly difficult, as the birth parents haven't had their parental rights terminated yet.
Second Parent Adoption
Second parent adoptions allow a person to adopt their significant other's children without terminating the biological parent's rights. Our attorneys have the resources and experience necessary to assist with this complex form of adoption.
Stepparent Adoption
The court will terminate the parental rights of one parent and assign those rights to the other parent's spouse. It's hard to achieve this type of adoption unless you can prove it is in the best interests of the children.
Interstate and International Adoption
Our adoption firm understands the nuances of
international and interstate child custody laws and can help your family adopt a child or children who were born outside of the United States.
Same-Sex Adoption
Same-sex adoptions can be open or closed and involve families with parents of the same biological sex. If you are interested, we'll connect you with an attorney who can provide assistance with same-sex adoptions.