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What Washington Parents Should Know About International Child Custody


Child custody is a hot and complex legal topic. Add an international move to the picture, and you've just made things more complicated. Issues such as custody, visitation, and travel are made more tricky with an international dimension.

Consequently, Washington State parents involved in child custody cases that deal with more than one country must gain a basic understanding of how these laws work. Seeking guidance and representation from an experienced Spokane child custody attorney can help.

Understanding International Child Custody

International child custody issues deal with situations that have a great impact on children. So it is important for parents to understand certain aspects of international child custody to avoid running afoul of the law and to protect the best interests of the child. Failure to do so can result in a charge of international child abduction or some other undesirable result.

Fortunately, a family law attorney can help parents navigate the difficult waters of international child custody and keep their clients from violating international law or the laws of a foreign country.

Legal Framework for International Child Custody Cases in Washington

international child custody jurisdiction

International child custody laws help regulate custody cases involving more than one country. The most important of them is the Hague Convention. It is an international treaty that helps nations work in concert to prevent international child abduction. It is used in cases where one parent unlawfully removes a child from a country. When this occurs, the parent who is not in possession of the child can invoke the Hague Convention.

Parents involved in these disputes might find themselves before foreign courts, where the local custody laws may be different than those of Washington State. Parents may also appear in front of Washington courts. During the custody process, parents can avail themselves of various resources, such as mediation and legal services.

Key Considerations for Washington Parents

Parents must understand the important considerations that underlie international child custody disputes — principally that U.S. and Washington State laws do not necessarily trump all others. It is vital for parents to be well-informed about the legal process so they can do away with unrealistic expectations.

1. Jurisdiction and Venue

Disputes must be settled in the proper jurisdiction and venue. Parents must understand which country and court has jurisdiction over their case before entering a dispute.

In many cases, jurisdiction questions may be settled by referring to the official address of the child. For example, in the U.S., the state where a child resides will typically have jurisdiction over custody matters. But in many cases, it is difficult to determine jurisdiction because the child may live equally with both parents.

However, foreign countries are not required to obey the laws and rules of the United States. A foreign jurisdiction may even go as far as voiding a custody agreement from the U.S.

2. Hague Convention on the Civil Aspects of International Child Abduction

international child custody agreements

The Hague Convention is an international treaty that addresses the international abduction of children. Since the U.S. is a signatory country to the Convention, the Convention's provisions are considered binding in the State of Washington. A parent who is involved in a custody battle within the state may invoke these provisions by petition or through an application to a designated central authority.

Once a parent turns to the Hague Convention for help, the treaty promises swift action in the return of the abducted child to their rightful place. However, if the foreign country in question is not a signatory country, the Hague Convention will not apply.

3. Working with Legal Professionals

The stakes are high and the law is complex and unforgiving in international child custody cases. Parents involved in these disputes need experienced and qualified help to successfully protect their interests.

An experienced international child custody lawyer represents parents in these disputes and confidently navigates complex laws from multiple jurisdictions. They understand the issues that arise in these situations and which tactics and strategies are most optimal for a given case.

When searching for the right attorney, parents should make sure to choose a professional with experience and a demonstrated track record of success. Additionally, an attorney who has already handled cases in foreign jurisdictions is the best choice.

The Role of Mediation and Alternative Dispute Resolution

One effective way of resolving international child custody disputes is through alternative dispute resolution (ADR) measures. Mediation is the most popular of these measures and is used widely in this field of law. It is a cost-effective and time-saving method that can effectively settle many disputes.

In contrast to judges, mediators do not pronounce judgments. Instead, they use their training and skills to encourage the parties to reach an agreement. They are like guides whose goal is to get the parents to an acceptable state of custody.

Although mediators do not make decisions, the results of mediation are binding. Many parents hire attorneys to help them prepare for mediation sessions and make informed decisions.

Factors Influencing International Child Custody Determinations

international custody laws

When making international custody determinations, judges take various factors into account to arrive at a decision. Due to the complex nature of these proceedings, parents do well to understand these factors before entering into a dispute.

1. Best Interests of the Child

Any decision made in international child custody cases must reflect the best interests of the child. Courts in the U.S. do not base this decision solely on race, religion, or the origin of the parents. However, other countries' courts may indeed do so.

In Washington State, the best interests of the child are determined by considering various factors, such as the child's emotional growth, relationships with both parents, education, living conditions, health, and physical care. Any decision made in Washington related to international child custody must take these factors into consideration.

2. Parental Fitness and Stability

Parental fitness and stability are two important factors used when making custody decisions. Washington courts look closely at each parent to determine their suitability to raise a child. Factors taken into account include:

  • The parent's physical and mental health.
  • The parent's ability to provide for the child's basic needs, such as food and shelter.
  • The parent's history of domestic violence or abuse of drugs.

Additionally, Washington courts place a high value on consistency and stability in parenting as well as a demonstrated commitment to the growth of the child.

3. Cultural and Language Considerations

An international custody dispute gives rise to all manner of challenging cultural and heritage issues, making it more complex than a normal domestic child custody case. In many of these situations, two or more languages are involved as well as religious and cultural expectations that often diverge.

Washington State holds that these cultural differences are important for children and should be considered in child custody cases. Hence, when Washington courts are determining the best interests of a child, they make decisions that allow the child to remain connected to their heritage and language.

Legal Remedies for International Child Custody Disputes

International custody cases

If one parent removes a child from a country without the consent of the other parent, the other parent must know their legal options, which include petitioning the court to establish a custody order or asking the court to enforce an existing court order.

1. Petitioning the Court

Petitioning begins with a court at the state or federal level. According to the Hague Convention, a parent seeking the return of their child must establish with a preponderance of evidence that the child's abduction was wrongful. The parent must also demonstrate the child's habitual residence and that they have custody rights over the child.

Parents involved in petitioning should be prepared to gather and present certain documents in their case, such as birth certificates, domestic court custody orders, and school matriculation information. When reviewing the evidence, the court will, as previously stated, always consider the best interests of the child.

2. Enforcement of Custody Orders

Parents can ask to have their international court orders enforced if the other parent fails to comply. However, enforcing international orders is much more complex and difficult than enforcing orders within the state.

Depending on the foreign country, a parent may easily and without repercussion disobey legitimate child support orders if the local authorities fail to cooperate. That said, in many instances, the parents and their attorneys can successfully have international provisions enforced.

Agreements and treaties between countries, such as the Hague Convention, contain provisions that facilitate and streamline the cooperation efforts of cross-border authorities in these matters.

Resources and Support for Washington Parents

Parents facing international custody issues can avail themselves of resources that will aid them during their disputes. The following table contains a list of organizations and groups that can help.

Resource Description
The Office of the Attorney General, Child Support Services Division Provides assistance with child support enforcement, establishment, and modification.
Legal Aid Organizations Offers free or low-cost legal services for parents in need of legal representation.
Family Law Attorneys Experienced attorneys specializing in family law can provide guidance and representation.
Mediation Services Mediators help parents reach agreements on child custody and visitation outside of court.
Parent Support Groups Support groups offer a supportive community where parents can share experiences and advice.
Counseling Services Professional counselors can provide emotional support and guidance during challenging times.
Online Resources Websites and online forums provide information and resources on international child custody.
Local Government Agencies Government agencies can provide information and assistance regarding international custody.
Parenting Education Programs Educational programs that offer guidance on effective co-parenting and conflict resolution.
International Family Law Experts Specialists in international family law can provide insights and guidance on complex cases.

These groups and organizations have resources that will save parents time, money, and frustration while working to resolve their issues. If you are involved in an international dispute, reach out to one or more organizations that may help you or at least point you in the right direction.

Ensure a Smooth International Custody Process — Contact Hodgson Law Office!

international child custody

International child custody disputes are complex and stressful. Parents involved in such disputes often find themselves before courts of foreign countries or dealing with international laws. Those who seek attorneys get the benefit of deft guidance and decision-making.

Hodgson Law Office has helped numerous parents in international custody disputes with cost-saving, effective strategies. If you are in a custody dispute, we can potentially help you, too.

For a free consultation, contact us today and learn how we can help you resolve custody disputes wherever they take place.


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Mark D. Hodgson

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