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Understanding the Process of Adoption in Washington State


If you're considering adopting a child in Washington State, you may be wondering about the legal process and requirements involved. One of the best ways to get started is by consulting with an adoption attorney who can guide you through the process and answer any questions you may have. Adopting a child can be a complex and emotional journey, and having the guidance of a seasoned adoption lawyer in Washington can help ensure that the process is handled correctly and efficiently.

In this article, our team at the Hodgson Law Office will provide an overview of the adoption process in Washington State, including the types of adoption, eligibility requirements, and the legal steps involved. Whether you're considering foster care adoption, domestic adoption, or international adoption, understanding the process and requirements can help you make informed decisions and prepare for a successful adoption. So, if you want to know how to adopt a child in Washington State, keep reading!

What Is Adoption and How Does It Work?

Adoption is a legal process through which a child is given permanent parentage rights by someone who isn't their biological parent. It's a complex and emotionally challenging process for both the adopted child and the adoptive family. There are many different types of adoption, including domestic, international, and foster care.

The process typically involves home studies, extensive background checks, and court appearances. Adoptive parents are required to meet certain criteria and guidelines to ensure they're capable of providing a safe and stable environment for the child. Adoption can be a beautiful way to grow a family and provide a loving home to a child in need.

Types of Adoptions: Which One Is Right for You?

how to adopt a child in washington state

Adoption is a beautiful way to grow your family and provide a loving home to a child. However, the adoption process can be complex and confusing, with many different types of adoptions available. Understanding the various types of adoptions and their requirements can help you decide which one is right for you. Here are some common types of adoptions:

  • Domestic Adoption: This type of adoption involves adopting a child from within the United States. It can be done through an adoption agency or independently through an adoption attorney.
  • International Adoption: International adoption involves adoptive families adopting a child from another country. It requires following both the U.S. and the foreign country's laws and can be a more lengthy and expensive process.
  • Foster Care Adoption: Foster care adoption involves adopting a child who is in the foster care system. It can be a more affordable option, but it also requires navigating the foster care system and meeting certain requirements.
  • Stepparent Adoption: This adoption type involves a stepparent adopting their spouse's child. It can be a simpler process compared to other types of adoptions, including international and domestic adoptions, but it still requires following legal procedures. Stepparent or relative adoptions may have some variations in the requirements and steps to follow, depending on the specific circumstances, but with the help of an experienced adoption attorney, the process can be navigated smoothly.
  • Relative Adoption: Relative adoption involves a family member, such as a grandparent or aunt, adopting a child. It can be a less costly and quicker option than other types of adoptions, but it also requires meeting certain legal requirements.

It's important to research and understand the specific requirements and laws for each type of adoption to determine which one is the right fit for your family. Consulting with a knowledgeable adoption attorney can also help guide you through the process and ensure that your adoption journey goes as smoothly as possible.

Eligibility Requirements for Adoption in Washington State

washington state adoption requirements

To adopt a child, prospective adoptive parents must meet certain Washington state adoption requirements, including:

  • Age: Prospective adoptive parents must be at least 18 years old.
  • Residency: At least one prospective adoptive parent must be a resident of Washington State.
  • Marital status: Both married and unmarried individuals may adopt in Washington. However, if the prospective adoptive parents are married, they must adopt jointly unless one spouse is the biological or legal parent of the child.
  • Background checks: Prospective adoptive parents must undergo criminal history background checks, child abuse and neglect registry checks, and FBI fingerprint checks.
  • Home study: All prospective adoptive parents must undergo a home study conducted by a licensed social worker or agency to assess their fitness to adopt and ensure a safe and stable home environment for the child.
  • Financial stability: Prospective adoptive parents must demonstrate that they are financially stable and capable of providing for the child's basic needs.
  • Health: Prospective adoptive parents must be in good physical and mental health to provide adequate care for the child.

It's important to note that these eligibility requirements may vary depending on the type of adoption being pursued. It's best to consult with an adoption attorney or agency to understand the specific Washington State adoption requirements for your situation.

Adoption Process Washington State: 6 Steps

Step 1. Obtain Consent

Adopting a child is a beautiful journey, but it requires thorough preparation and steps. The first essential step in adopting a child in Washington state is to obtain consent. Consent is a legal document that must be signed by the birth parents or child's legal guardian.

It acknowledges that they're giving up their parental rights to the child and are willingly allowing the child to be adopted. Obtaining consent may take time and requires careful consideration and communication with birth parents or guardians. It ensures that the child is being adopted legally and ethically, and it's a critical step in the adoption process.

Step 2. File Petition for Adoption

The decision to adopt a child is a momentous one, filled with both excitement and nerves. Once that decision has been made, the next step is to file the petition for adoption. This is where the legal process begins, as initial documents are prepared and filed with the Court. It can be a daunting process, but it is an important one.

The petition is the official start of your adoption journey, and it sets things in motion for the legal process that comes next. It's important to ensure that everything is done correctly and that all the necessary documents are completed and filed with the Court.

With the right support and guidance, filing the petition can be the first step towards expanding your family through adoption.

Step 3. Post-Placement Evaluation

Now that you've completed the adoption process and have welcomed your child into your home, it's important to undergo post-placement evaluation in Washington State.

This step involves a licensed social worker visiting your home and observing the interactions between you and your child, assessing the child's wellbeing, and ensuring that the child's needs are being met.

This evaluation helps to ensure that the child is thriving in their new environment and that any needs or concerns are being addressed in a timely manner. It's an important aspect of the adoption process that helps to ensure the best possible outcome for both the child and the adoptive family.

While it may seem daunting at first, rest assured that this evaluation is just one more step toward creating a loving and stable home for your child.

Step 4. Schedule Finalization Hearing

The finalization hearing is a much-awaited step in the adoption process. After receiving the post-placement report that recommends the adoption, the county adoption services and the judge's clerk will review the final documents thoroughly. This is to ensure that everything is in order before the final hearing is scheduled.

It's common for the parties' attorney to be contacted and advised on any outstanding documents or pending items that need to be completed. Only after all the requirements are met, the finalization hearing can take place. It's a moment of great relief and joy for adoptive parents as they are granted legal recognition as the child's parents.

Step 5. Attend Finalization Hearing

The moment the adoption is finalized is one that both the adoptive parents and the child will cherish. The Finalization Hearing is a crucial step in this process as it brings all parties together to formally declare the child's legal status. It's a heartwarming sight to see the child along with their siblings and family members, if present, attending this hearing.

The parties provide their testimony to convince the court that the child's adoption is truly in their best interest. Once all necessary documents have been reviewed and signed by the judge or court commissioner, the adoption is complete. This marks the start of a new chapter in the child's life, as they are now legally recognized as the child of their adoptive parent(s).

Step 6. Complete Documentation

The process of adoption can be long and arduous, but when it comes to documenting the legal change, it's important to follow every step to the letter. After the Decree of Adoption is signed and entered with the Court, the next critical step is to obtain certified copies.

These copies will be held by the Clerk's Office for 30 days before being forwarded to the Vital Statistics Division of the Department of Health. During this time, the state documents will be carefully processed to produce a new birth certificate that names the adoptive parent(s).

Though it can take up to 8 weeks, this new document is a beautiful symbol of the beginning of a new family life.

Independent vs. Foster-Child Adoptions: What's the Difference?

When it comes to adopting a child, the process can be more involved for independent and foster-child adoptions. These types of adoptions require a pre-placement report, also known as a "Home Study," that must be conducted before the Petition for Adoption can even be filed. While both options result in a child joining your family, there are some notable differences to consider.

Independent adoption allows adoptive parents to work directly with a birth parent or adoption agency, whereas foster-child adoption occurs when a child is removed from their birth family and placed in foster care.

Foster-child adoption often involves older children or those with special needs, while independent adoption typically involves infants.

Ultimately, both types of adoption can offer wonderful opportunities for families to grow and provide loving homes for children in need.

The Role of an Adoption Attorney: What You Need to Know

The process of adoption is a complex legal journey that requires careful consideration and attention to detail. If you're considering adoption, whether as a birth parent or an adoptive parent, it's essential to have a knowledgeable adoption attorney by your side. An adoption attorney can help you navigate the legal requirements and complexities of the adoption process, protect your rights and interests, and guide you through the entire process from start to finish. Here are some of the duties that an adoption attorney takes on:

  1. Providing legal guidance
  2. Navigating complex adoption laws and regulations
  3. Preparing legal documents such as adoption petitions and consent forms
  4. Representing clients in court
  5. Negotiating with adoption agencies or other parties involved in the adoption
  6. Providing support and advocacy throughout the adoption process
  7. Counseling, referrals to other professionals, and assistance with post-adoption issues

An experienced adoption attorney can help you achieve your adoption goals and make the process as smooth and stress-free as possible.

Costs of Adopting a Child: An Overview

how much does adoption cost in washington state

Adopting a child is a life-changing decision that many families make every year. However, it's important to understand that the process can be costly. So, how much does adoption cost in Washington State?

According to a study by Adoptive Families magazine, the average cost of adoption in the United States ranges from $20,000 to $45,000. The costs include home studies, legal fees, travel expenses, and agency costs.

International adoptions can be even more expensive, averaging around $42,000. While the costs may seem overwhelming, many families find ways to afford adoption through grants, loans, and fundraising.

Keep in mind that the costs of adoption vary depending on several factors such as the type of adoption, location, and agency fees.

Despite the costs, adoption continues to be a popular choice for families who want to grow their family and give a child a loving home.

Need Help with Child Support Matters? Contact Hodgson Law Office!

Adopting a child in the state of Washington isn't an easy process, but with the right help and information, it is possible. With technology, social media, adoption agencies, and attorneys all readily available to assist those looking for help to understand what steps must be taken for successful adoption in Washington State, individuals are empowered to make informed decisions.

With proper research and knowledge of the legal system understanding the terminology used during the process can lead to a successful outcome. Throughout the journey, it's important to have an attorney knowledgeable of family law review all paperwork that accompanies these adoptions as they can represent parental rights and provide counsel on legal issues throughout the process.

Hodgson Law Office in Spokane, Washington is dedicated to helping families through their adoption journey with guidance throughout each step of the way. Contact us today so that we can work together to make your adoption dreams become a reality!


What is the most affordable way to adopt?

Becoming a foster parent is the most affordable way to adopt a child. Adopting a child from foster care typically costs little to no money, as many of the expenses are covered by the state. In some cases, there may be small fees associated with the adoption process, but these are generally much lower than the costs associated with private adoption.

Are tax credits available for adopting a child?

Yes, there are tax credits available for adopting a child. The federal government offers a tax credit of up to $14,610 per child for qualified adoption expenses. This credit is available to families who adopt a child from foster care, a domestic agency, or a foreign country. In addition, some states offer their own adoption tax credits or deductions.

Can you have an open adoption in Washington state?

Yes, open adoption is legal in Washington State. In fact, many adoptions in Washington State are open adoptions, where the birth parents and adoptive parents agree to maintain some level of contact after the adoption is finalized. The terms of the open adoption agreement are negotiated between the birth parents and adoptive parents, with the assistance of their attorneys.

How long does the adoption process take for a Newborn?

The adoption process for a newborn can vary widely depending on a number of factors, including the state you live in, the type of adoption you are pursuing, and the specific circumstances of the adoption. In some cases, the process can take just a few months, while in others, it may take a year or more.

Generally, the adoption process for a newborn involves a series of legal steps, including terminating the birth parent's rights, completing a home study, and obtaining a final adoption decree. It's important to work closely with an experienced adoption attorney who can guide you through the process and help you understand what to expect at each stage.

Mark D. Hodgson

Mark D. Hodgson

Mark D. Hodgson and his legal team at Hodgson Law Office provide exceptional, personalized representation in family law and divorce cases. With a commitment to trust, integrity, and vigorous advocacy, Hodgson Law Office offers reliable and compassionate legal assistance for all your family law issues.

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When it comes to divorce, you need a trusted advocate on your side. Hodgson Law Office is here to help. Schedule a consultation today and get the legal support you need.

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What is the most affordable way to adopt?

Becoming a foster parent is the most affordable way to adopt a child. Adopting a child from foster care typically costs little to no money, as many of the expenses are covered by the state. In some cases, there may be small fees associated with the adoption process, but these are generally much lower than the costs associated with private adoption.

Are tax credits available for adopting a child?

Yes, there are tax credits available for adopting a child. The federal government offers a tax credit of up to $14,610 per child for qualified adoption expenses. This credit is available to families who adopt a child from foster care, a domestic agency, or a foreign country. In addition, some states offer their own adoption tax credits or deductions.

Can you have an open adoption in Washington State?

Yes, open adoption is legal in Washington State. In fact, many adoptions in Washington State are open adoptions, where the birth parents and adoptive parents agree to maintain some level of contact after the adoption is finalized. The terms of the open adoption agreement are negotiated between the birth parents and adoptive parents, with the assistance of their attorneys.

How long does the adoption process take for a Newborn?

The adoption process for a newborn can vary widely depending on a number of factors, including the state you live in, the type of adoption you are pursuing, and the specific circumstances of the adoption. In some cases, the process can take just a few months, while in others, it may take a year or more.

Generally, the adoption process for a newborn involves a series of legal steps, including terminating the birth parent's rights, completing a home study, and obtaining a final adoption decree. It's important to work closely with an experienced adoption attorney who can guide you through the process and help you understand what to expect at each stage.

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